To create the services related to the chatbot,
WhirlBot-Express need your permission. You can delete the
credentials and user after deploying WhirlBot in your AWS account
1. Goto AWS
IAM Console & create the security policy
2. Click on the
"Create policy" button
3. Download the policy.json
4. Choose "JSON" tab
in the "Create policy" page
5. Paste the json value from
6. Click on the "Review policy" button
7. Give the name & description for the policy for the further
8. Click on "Create policy" button
9. Choose "Users" link from the left panel
10. Click the
"Add user" button
11. Give the user name in the box
12. Select "Programmatic access" in the "Select AWS access type"
13. Press "Next: permission" button to assign the
role for the user
14. Click the "Attach existing policies
directly" tab
14. Choose the policy created in the step
number seven
15. Review the user by pressing "Review" and
click "Create user" button
16. Your AWS credential is
ready on the success page
17. Download the credential